Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder
Pathway by which outside sounds are transmitted to the brain

* Created with
- Premature birth
- Low birth weight
- Severe jaundice
- Baby kept on ventilator upon birth, for durations exceeding five days
- Lack of oxygen at the time of birth

* Auditory neuropathy is a hearing problem associated with transmission of nerve impulses from the inner ear to the brain.
* The hair cells in the inner ear usually function well and are able to detect sound.
* However, they may not be acting in cohesion or the auditory nerve does not function properly or both. This results in improper transmission of signals to the brain.
* It leads to an inability of the brain to give meaning to the speech sound and record it for future use.
* Babies affected by ANS find difficulty in understanding speech.
* This might result in delay in the development of speech or unclear speech.