
@ 2023 FSDB
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Speaking Deaf Babies.

Institutes outside India that offer training in Listening and Spoken Language

1. John Tracy Center, Los Angeles, California, United States of America

Founded in 1943 by Louise Treadwell Tracy, the mother of John Tracy who was diagnosed with profound hearing loss at 10 months of age, the John Tracy Center provides parent-infant program and pre-school programs, among its many other services, to enable children who are deaf or hard of hearing to develop speech, language and listening skills. It also provides distance education courses for parents worldwide. Famed film producer Walt Disney was one of the original board members, and was actively engaged with the center.

2. Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech, United States of America

Founded in 1867, the Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech, are physically located in Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Northampton, and Jacksonville. It was founded by Gardiner Greene Hubbard, and has even had the support of Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, who served as the president of the Clarke board for some years. It provides expertise in listening and spoken language, teaching children who are deaf or hard of hearing, to listen and talk. The schools also provide teleservices to people around the world.

3. Carel du Toit Centre for Hearing Impaired Children, Tygerberg, South Africa

Established in 1973 by Prof. Carel du Toit, Head of the ENT Department at Tygerberg Hospital, the centre has an early intervention programme that utilizes the Listening and Spoken Language training to equip young children who are deaf or hard of hearing, to acquire speech and language, and continue their education in mainstream schools.

4. Auditory Verbal Western Australia, Australia

AVWA is a mobile in-home service that provides home support for children with hearing loss by conducting home visits and working with the parents and the child.

5. Auditory Verbal UK, United Kingdom

Auditory Verbal UK was founded by Jacqueline Stokes, and provides early intervention and auditory verbal therapy services to families, apart from improving awareness by sharing expertise with healthcare and educational professionals,

6. Amaliya Early Learning Centre for the Hearing Impaired, Colombo, Sri Lanka

The Amaliya Early Learning Centre was founded using guidance from Balavidyalaya – The School for Young Deaf Children. It has an Early Intervention Program and a Pre-School Program. The DHVANI (Development of Hearing Voice and Natural Integration) method, first formulated in Balavidyalaya, is the basis of the training.